Bible Bowl Questions

Church of Christ (Holiness) U.S.A.

South Central Diocese

Bible Bowl

February 2019

I Corinthians, Chapters 12 – 16  


  1. 12:2  Who did Paul say the people knew they were?  (Gentiles)
  2. 12:29  What groups of people are named?  (apostles, prophets, teachers, workers of miracles)
  3. 14:4  Who does he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edify?  (himself)
  4. 14:4  Who does he that prophesieth edify?  (the church)
  5. 14:11  Who does Paul liken himself to if he knows not the meaning of the voice?  (a barbarian)
  6. 14:22  To whom are tongues a sign for?  (to them that believe not)
  7. 14:32  Who are the spirits of the prophets subject to?  (the prophets)
  8. 15:5  When Christ rose again, who was he seen of first?  (Cephas)
  9. 15:15  What kind of people are they found to be if Christ be not risen?  (false witnesses of God)
  10. 15:18  What people are perished if Christ be not raised?  (they also which are fallen asleep in Christ)
  11. 15:22  Who do all die in?  (Adam)
  12. 15:45  What was the first Adam made and what was the last Adam made?  (a living soul; a quickening spirit)
  13. 16:3  Who did Paul say that he would send to bring liberality unto Jerusalem?  (whomsoever they shall approve by their letters)
  14. 16:9  Who did Paul say that there were many of?  (adversaries)
  15. 16:10  Who did Paul say works the work of the Lord as he does?  (Timotheus)
  16. 16:12  Who did Paul say would come to them at a convenient time?  (Apollos)
  17. 16:19  Who saluted them much with the church that was in their house?  (Aquila and Priscilla)


  1. 14:35  Where should women ask their husbands any thing?  (at home)
  2. 14:35  Where is it a shame for women to speak?  (in the church)
  3. 15:19  Paul said that they are most miserable if they only have hope in Christ where?  (in this life)
  4. 15:32  Paul supposed that he had fought with beasts where?  (at Ephesus)
  5. 16:1  Paul said that he had given order to the churches of what place?  (Galatia)
  6. 16:5  Where did Paul say he would pass through?  (Macedonia)
  7. 16:8  Where did Paul say that he would tarry until Pentecost?  (at Ephesus)


  1. 12:3  What is the only way that a man can say that Jesus is the Lord?  (by the Holy Ghost)
  2. 12:18  How did God set the members in the body?  (as it hath pleased him)
  3. 12:26  If one member be honoured, what do all the members do?  (rejoice with it)
  4. 13:3  Why did Paul say he might bestow all of his goods?  (to feed the poor)
  5. 13:10  When shall that which is in part be done away?  (when that which is perfect is come)
  6. 13:11  What 3 things did Paul say he did when he was a child?  (spake as a child, understood as a child, thought as a child)
  7. 13:11  When did Paul put away childish things?  (when he became a man)
  8. 14:1  What did Paul rather the people do?  (prophesy)
  9. 14:13  What should he that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray for?  (that he may interpret)
  10. 14:15  How did Paul say that he would pray and sing?  (with the spirit and with the understanding)
  11. 14:40  How should all things be done?  (decently and in order)
  12. 15:3  Why did Christ die?  (for our sins)
  13. 15:6  Christ was seen of above how many brethren at once?  (five hundred)
  14. 15:9  Why did Paul say that he was the least of the apostles?  (because he persecuted the church of God)
  15. 15:25  For how long must Christ reign?  (till he hath put all enemies under his feet)
  16. 15:31  When does Paul die?  (daily)
  17. 16:2  When were the people told to lay things in store?  (upon the first day of the week)
  18. 16:14  How did Paul say all their things should be done?  (with charity)
  19. 16:20  How did Paul tell them to greet one another?  (with an holy kiss)


  1. 12:4 & 6  What two things are there diversities of?  (gifts and operations)
  2. 12:15  What does the foot compare itself to?  (the hand)
  3. 12:16  What does the ear compare itself to?  (the eye)
  4. 12:22  What did Paul say about the members of the body which seem to be more feeble?  (they are necessary)
  5. 12:24  To what part did God give more abundant honour?  (to that part which lacked)
  6. 12:25  What did God not want to be in the body?  (schism)
  7. 12:31  What should be coveted earnestly?  (the best gifts)
  8. 13:2  What kind of faith is described?  (so that I could remove mountains)
  9. 13:5  What does charity not seek?  (her own)
  10. 13:5  What does charity not think?  (evil)
  11. 13:7  What does charity do with all things?  (beareth, believeth, hopeth, endureth)
  12. 13:8  What does charity never do?  (fail)
  13. 13:13  What three things abide?  (faith, hope, charity)
  14. 14:14  How does Paul describe his understanding if he prays in an unknown tongue?  (unfruitful)
  15. 14:19  Paul said that he would rather speak five words with his understanding than how many words in an unknown tongue?  (ten thousand)
  16. 14:20  What did Paul tell the people to be children in and what did he tell them to not be children in?  (malice; understanding)
  17. 14:34  What are the women commanded to be under?  (obedience)
  18. 15:10  What did God bestow upon Paul that was not in vain?  (his grace)
  19. 15:14  What two things are vain if Christ be not risen?  (our preaching and your faith)
  20. 15:21  What two things came by man?  (death and the resurrection of the dead)
  21. 15:33  What do evil communications corrupt?  (good manners)
  22. 15:43  The resurrection of the dead is sown in weakness but raised in what?  (power)
  23. 15:46  What came first?  (that which is natural)
  24. 15:51  What did Paul say that he was shewing them?  (a mystery)
  25. 15:54  What is death swallowed up in?  (victory)
  26. 15:56  What is the sting of death?  (sin)
  27. 15:56  What is the strength of sin?  (the law)


  1. 12:12  For as the body is one,     (and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body:  so also is Christ.)
  2. 12:17  If the whole body were an eye,     (where were the hearing?  If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?)
  3. 13:6  Rejoiceth not     (in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;)
  4. 13:12  For now we see     (through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.)
  5. 14:33  For God is not     (the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.)
  6. 15:13  But if there be     (no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:)
  7. 15:50  Now this I say, brethren,     (that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.)
  8. 15:52  In a moment,     (in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.)
  9. 15:58  Therefore, my beloved brethren,     (be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.)
  10. 16:11  Let no man therefore     (despise him: but conduct him forth in peace, that he may come unto me: for I look for him with the brethren.)
  11. 16:13  Watch ye, stand fast     (in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.)


  1. According to 12:5  What are there differences of?  (administrations)
  2. According to 13:8  What shall happen to knowledge?  (it shall vanish away)
  3. According to 15:26  What is the last enemy that shall be destroyed?  (death)



  1. 12:8-10  There are 9 things that are given by the same Spirit.  The word of wisdom and the word of knowledge are two of them.  Name 5 of the remaining 7.  (faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues)
  2. 13:4  Name the 5 descriptions of charity.  (suffereth long, is kind, envieth not, vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up)
  3. 14:3  He that prophesieth speaketh unto men to what 3 things?  (edification, exhortation, and comfort)
  4. 14:6  Paul said that he will only profit the people if he speaks to them by what 4 things?  (revelation, knowledge, prophesying, or doctrine)
  5. 14:26  Paul said that when they come together, every one of them has what 5 things?  (a psalm, a doctrine, a tongue, a revelation, an interpretation)
  6. 15:39  What 4 kinds of flesh are named?  (men, beasts, fishes, birds)